Jan 2, 2020 | Technical Papers
Abstract We take a popular position that AI systems are limited more by the integrity of the data they are learning from than by the sophistication of their algorithms. We also take an uncommon position that this limitation is not overcome by the data lake approach of...
Dec 16, 2019 | Articles, General, Resources
Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) are set to explode in a post-COVID world, as valuations become disconnected relative to assets, and as companies look to add capacity to their supply chains M&A is trending less toward capturing the value of capital...
Nov 24, 2019 | Case Studies, Technical Papers
Abstract Using a simplified financial reporting example, we examine how traditional data warehouses are put together. We then propose an improved method for creating data warehouses: using the categorical query language CQL. Finally we demonstrate how CQL enables the...
Nov 24, 2019 | Case Studies, Technical Papers
Abstract We consider the issue of multiple overlapping data models in the context of modern power grids. We present a methodology for specifying, managing and reasoning within multiple models of distributed energy resources (DERs, e.g., microgrids and generators)...
Sep 11, 2019 | Case Studies, Technical Papers
Abstract In this paper we consider how to integrate a simple and developer-friendly data model such as the property graph with more complex and less user-friendly data models such as relational database tables. We observe that algebraic data types are a common...