Dec 11, 2020 | General, News
How to reduce data wastage using data interoperability Eric Daimler recently spoke with Ishu Singh about the outdatedness of legacy data systems and the growing importance of data interoperability. Conexus allows data to be related by meaning allowing databases...
Sep 29, 2020 | Articles, News
The Nobel Prizes Are Broken: No More Superman – We Need the Avengers By Eric Daimler Ph.D, CEO and Co-Founder, Conexus AI & Former Advisor to President Obama The COVID-19 pandemic is highlighting a truth we have known for some time: that important scientific...
Jan 9, 2020 | General, News, Video
In an interview with Natasha D’Souza from the SALT Voices conference in Abu Dhabi, Dr. Daimler discusses the role of AI in transforming industries from the collection of data to the execution of data...