Doing Data Integration Forwards

Doing data integration forwards

With CQL, we can identify risks early and ensure the success of your data warehousing project.


Data warehouses are a cornerstone of business intelligence. Yet there is a fundamental flaw with the way data is traditionally integrated into these warehouses–it’s done backwards. This system turns minor, predictable characteristics of data sources–missing data, data mismatches, data constraints–into costly, project jeopardizing problems. This is expected, as users typically cannot find out what can go wrong during data integration until they actually integrate data. As such, it’s no mystery why over 50% of traditional data warehousing projects fail.

Now, imagine doing data integration forwards. At Conexus AI, our data integration experts first model the data sources in our cutting-edge data management language, CQL. Then we provide CQL with information about how the collections of source data are related. We provide compile-time validation, giving you peace of mind before deployment. Then we model our target source, the desired data warehouse, providing CQL with information about how the source and the target are related. Finally, we can confidently integrate data into the target database.

Backed by Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Mathematics

Conexus provides the world’s only verifiable data integration technology, consisting of a team of highly-trained mathematicians and computer scientists. We drive real-time enterprise data integration at the pace of business evolution.

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