Oct 2, 2020 | Articles, General, Resources
ETL Re-thought for the Cloud Conexus CQL is a revolutionary data transformation platform re-thought for the cloud. Conexus can speed up every M&A integration and save many that would otherwise fail. Introduction Before CQL, there was no solution that gave you a...
Oct 2, 2020 | Articles, General, Resources
The Post-COVID Supply Chain: Achieving Both Agility and Performance via AI Introduction Enormous inefficiencies in global supply chains can be prevented with breakthrough AI capabilities from Conexus. Many enterprises in our current global crisis are...
Sep 16, 2020 | Articles, General, Resources
SQL-for-ETL Constraint Validator Check a set of SQL ETL queries for constraint violations before you run them. Try it Now Having to re-run your ETL process costs money. Source tables change, your ETL process crashes, and your BI users’ reports won’t update on time....
Jul 2, 2020 | Articles, General, Resources
Conexus FAQ The Problem Your business—like all 21st century businesses—runs on data. But your data is failing you. Even in the best of times, you’re not seeing the full potential of your data in your decision-making. Why can’t you use all of...
May 16, 2020 | Articles, General, Resources
Resolve urgent data ecosystem problems for healthcare organizations responding to the COVID crisis Save lives with Conexus Data Interoperability solutions Traditional Data Warehousing Conexus Virtual Knowledge Graph What does Conexus do? We enable organizations...
Apr 16, 2020 | Articles, General, Resources
Data Warehousing with CQL Traditional data warehouse projects often lead to failures that are difficult to predict and difficult to analyze. Conexus AI’s CQL enables early identification of such risks and provides a solution for high quality data integration,...